Sunday, December 01, 2013

Amazing Art Work Of African Weaver

Weaver birds were one of those birds I had dreamed of seeing them personally since childhood time. 

When I did finally in South Africa, I was so excited, they were first captured my eyes......hanging in a African acacia tree full of bird nests...those lovely little yellow birds busy flying in and out from their nest...

Again I saw another big tree full of birds nest in front of our hotel in Johannesburg!! In fact I found them in most places I went....

Weaver birds, as their name, they fashion intricate nests out of plant material, carefully threaded and woven into a solid structure.  

...this nest even decorated with yellow mimosa like flowers,  
All of it is done, quite amazing. 

One interesting fact about weaver, the males are the ones who do the weaving, the result of their hard work and skill advertise to potential mates. The females will choose the right life partner from those who made the best structure, ha, even a bird also know to choose the most comfortable home, and also get some assurance about the genetic standards of the home-maker.  The one below was newly made, and dropped below the tree, I bet was thrown by one of the females. LOLS., the male has to start to build a new nest again 

...empty nest captured in the forest, is very different from others...

P.S. an interesting link about my favorite bird-

Southern Masked Weaver, South Africa

PS. some info from wikipedia

"The weaver group is divided into the buffalo, sparrow, typical, and widow weavers. The males of many species are brightly colored. Weaver birds, also known as weaver finches, get their name because of their elaborately woven nests (the most elaborate of any birds'), though some are notable for their selective parasitic nesting habits. The nests vary in size, shape, material used, and construction techniques from species to species. Materials used for building nests include fine leaf-fibers, grass, and twigs. Many species weave very fine nests using thin strands of leaf fiber, though some, like the buffalo-weavers, form massive untidy stick nests in their colonies, which may have spherical woven nests within. The sparrow weavers of Africa build apartment-house nests, in which 100 to 300 pairs have separate flask-shaped chambers entered by tubes at the bottom. Most species weave nests that have narrow entrances, facing downward.Many weaver species are gregarious and breed colonially. The birds build their nests together for protection, often several to a branch. Usually the male birds weave the nests and use them as a form of display to lure prospective females. The weaver bird colonies may be found close to water bodies. They sometimes cause crop damage, notably the Red-billed Quelea, reputed to be the world's most numerous bird."---From wikipedia

1 comment:

eileeninmd said...

They are beautiful birds. I love their nest all hanging from the trees. Great captures!