White-breasted Waterhens are the most common birds in Singapore, often heard before they are seen. Their loud quarrelsome calls make them very easy to be located whereever they go. This chicken-like bird eat mainly seeds, insects and small fish, small snails. They are resident throughout the island, in mangroves, marshes, reedbeds to grasslands and cultivated areas (ricefields, orchards, gardens, parks). Although they are comfortable with human, but still shy, it is not easy to get close to them. The baby waterhens are black feathered, in my previous visit to Singapore Botanic Garden, I saw a mother proudly leading her brood for their first foray, but I was not lucky enough to capture their family portrait.
Linking up to White Wednesday
That is pretty interesting hen. ^_^
Mackinac Island
Nice shots. Thanks for sharing that information on this bird.
Our rail is the common moorhen, all black but equally noisy. Interesting to learn of the related species.
Lovely pics. My OW is up too.
I love how the bird in the first shot looks like it is wading in. Funny! We have brids similar to that around here but they are all black with a red patch on their heads. I am not sure what they are called but we refer to them as river chickens:) Thanks for sharing!
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